
fly; go quickly; dart; high


  • fly
  • go quickly
  • dart
  • high
  • to fly


空中人 kōng zhōng fēi rén trapeze artist; frequent flyer
猛進 tū fēi měng jìn to advance by leaps and bounds
笨鳥先 bèn niǎo xiān fēi lit. the clumsy bird flies early (idiom); fig. to work hard to compensate for one's limited abilities
紅外線導引彈 hóng wài xiàn dǎo yǐn fēi dàn infrared guided missile
fēn fēi to swirl in the air (of thickly falling snowflakes, flower petals etc); to flutter about
wǎng fēi Netflix, American entertainment company
qún fēi to fly as a flock; to flock together
航天機 háng tiān fēi jī space shuttle
血肉橫 xuè ròu héng fēi flesh and blood flying (idiom); carnage; people blown to pieces
員 shì fēi yuán test pilot
質的躍 zhì de fēi yuè qualitative leap
qǐ fēi (of an aircraft) to take off
彈射 qǐ fēi tán shè takeoff catapult (on aircraft carrier)
yuè fēi Adolph Abramovich Joffe (1883-1927), Soviet and Comintern diplomat and spy in 1922-23 in Republican China
遠走高 yuǎn zǒu gāo fēi to go far; to escape to faraway places
qiān fēi to migrate (of birds)
ā fēi hoodlum; hooligan; young rowdy
集團 shǎn fēi jí tuán Shaanxi Aircraft Corporation (state-owned enterprise)
雙宿雙 shuāng sù shuāng fēi lit. to rest and fly together (idiom); fig. to live in each other's pockets; to be inseparable
雙翼機 shuāng yì fēi jī biplane
shuāng fēi flying in pairs; close union as husband and wife; round-trip flight; (slang) threesome
狗跳 jī fēi gǒu tiào lit. chickens flying and dogs jumping (idiom); fig. in chaos; in disarray
蛋打 jī fēi dàn dǎ the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken; a dead loss (idiom)
雲霄車 yún xiāo fēi chē roller coaster
xiá fēi Joseph Joffre (1852-1931), leading French general at the start of World War One