
top, summit, peak; to carry on the head

HSK 5 #1000


  • top, summit, peak
  • to carry on the head
  • apex
  • crown of the head
  • top
  • roof
  • most
  • to carry on the head
  • to push to the top
  • to go against
  • to replace
  • to substitute
  • to be subjected to (an aerial bombing, hailstorm etc)
  • (slang) to "bump" a forum thread to raise its profile
  • classifier for headwear, hats, veils etc


顶 stroke order diagram
顶 stroke order animation


雀鹛 hè dǐng què méi (bird species of China) dusky fulvetta (Alcippe brunnea)
赤胸朱雀 chì xiōng zhū dǐng què (bird species of China) common linnet (Linaria cannabina))
戴菊 jīn dǐng dài jú goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)
戴菊鸟 jīn dǐng dài jú niǎo goldcrest (Regulus satrapa)
上 dǐng shàng on top of; at the summit
冒 dǐng mào abbr. for 頂名冒姓|顶名冒姓[ding3 ming2 mao4 xing4]
包 dǐng bāo to serve as forced labor; to take the rap for sb
名冒姓 dǐng míng mào xìng to pretend to be sb else
夸克 dǐng kuā kè top quark (particle physics)
客 dǐng kè see 丁克[ding1 ke4]
尖儿 dǐng jiān r erhua variant of 頂尖|顶尖[ding3 jian1]
岗 dǐng gǎng to replace sb on a workshift; to substitute for
戴 dǐng dài cap badge (official sign of rank in Qing dynasty)
拜 dǐng bài to prostrate oneself; to kneel and bow the head (in submission, supplication, worship etc)
挡 dǐng dǎng to resist; to obstruct; to bear responsibility for
架 dǐng jià cabin
格 dǐng gé (typesetting) to not indent; to set the text flush with the left (or top) margin
杆 dǐng gǎn top bar; crown bar
棒 dǐng bàng bucking bar (metal bar fixing the tail of a rivet as it is driven)
牛儿 dǐng niú r to push with the forehead; to lock horns; to be at loggerheads
目 dǐng mù item; event; project
礼膜拜 dǐng lǐ mó bài to prostrate oneself in worship (idiom); (fig.) to worship; to bow down to
缸 dǐng gāng to take the blame; to be a scapegoat; to carry the can
罪 dǐng zuì to take the blame for sb else; to compensate for one's crime; to get charges dropped (by paying money etc)
芽 dǐng yá terminal bud (growing at the tip of a plant)