
manifest, display; evident, clear


顯 xiǎn
  • to make visible
  • to reveal
  • prominent
  • conspicuous
  • (prefix) phanero-


見 xiǎn jiàn obvious; clearly visible
豁 xiǎn huò evident; clear and bright
貴 xiǎn guì dignitary; distinguished person; royalty; nobleman; big shot
赫 xiǎn hè illustrious; celebrated
赫人物 xiǎn hè rén wù a famous person; a luminary
達 xiǎn dá illustrious; influential; prestigious
鏡 xiǎn jìng microscope; same as 顯微鏡|显微镜
露 xiǎn lù to become visible; to reveal
露出 xiǎn lù chū to appear; to come out in the open
靈 xiǎn líng (of a supernatural or divine being) to appear; to make itself manifest
高官爵 gāo guān xiǎn jué high ranking
wài xiǎn external; outward; manifest