
manifest, display; evident, clear


顯 xiǎn
  • to make visible
  • to reveal
  • prominent
  • conspicuous
  • (prefix) phanero-


目標 yǐn xiǎn mù biāo intermittent target
電子微鏡 diàn zǐ xiǎn wēi jìng electron microscope
像 xiǎn xiàng to form a picture; to develop a photo; to visualize
像管 xiǎn xiàng guǎn CRT used in TV or computer monitor; picture tube; kinescope
出 xiǎn chū to express; to exhibit
卡 xiǎn kǎ video card; display card (computer)
學 xiǎn xué famous school; noted school of thought
宦 xiǎn huàn high official
山露水 xiǎn shān lù shuǐ to reveal one's talent (idiom)
弄 xiǎn nòng to flaunt; to show off
形 xiǎn xíng to show one's true nature (derog.); to betray oneself
影 xiǎn yǐng (photographic processing) to develop
影劑 xiǎn yǐng jì developer (photographic processing); contrast medium (medical imaging)
得 xiǎn de to seem; to look; to appear
微 xiǎn wēi micro-; microscopic; to make the minute visible
微學 xiǎn wēi xué microscopy
微鏡 xiǎn wēi jìng microscope; CL:臺|台[tai2]
微鏡座 xiǎn wēi jìng zuò Microscopium (constellation)
微鏡載片 xiǎn wēi jìng zài piàn microscopic slide
性 xiǎn xìng visible; conspicuous; phanero-; dominant (gene)
性基因 xiǎn xìng jī yīn dominant gene
懷 xiǎn huái to look pregnant; obviously pregnant
揚 xiǎn yáng to praise; to commend; to hallow
擺 xiǎn bai (coll.) to show off
效 xiǎn xiào to show an effect; to produce an effect; a conspicuous effect