
electricity, electric; lightning


  • electricity, electric
  • lightning
  • electric
  • electricity
  • electrical


電 stroke order diagram


視塔 diàn shì tǎ TV tower
視廣播 diàn shì guǎng bō television broadcast; telecast; videocast
視機 diàn shì jī television set; CL:臺|台[tai2]
視秀 diàn shì xiù TV show
視節目 diàn shì jié mù television program
視臺 diàn shì tái television station; CL:個|个[ge4]
解 diàn jiě electrolysis
解質 diàn jiě zhì electrolyte
訊 diàn xùn telecommunications; telecom
訪 diàn fǎng (Tw) to make a telephone call (generally as a representative of a company, school or agency etc, to an individual, often for the purpose of conducting a survey) (abbr. for 電話訪問|电话访问)
話 diàn huà telephone; CL:部[bu4]; phone call; CL:通[tong1]; phone number
話亭 diàn huà tíng telephone booth
話信號 diàn huà xìn hào telephone signal
話區碼 diàn huà qū mǎ area code; telephone dialing code
話卡 diàn huà kǎ telephone card
話會議 diàn huà huì yì (telephone) conference call
話服務 diàn huà fú wù telephone service
話機 diàn huà jī telephone set
話簿 diàn huà bù telephone directory
話網 diàn huà wǎng telephone network
話網路 diàn huà wǎng lù telephone network
話線 diàn huà xiàn telephone line; telephone wire
話線路 diàn huà xiàn lù telephone line
話鈴聲 diàn huà líng shēng (telephone) ring; ringing
話門 diàn huà mén "Phone Gate", corruption scandal unearthed through telephone records