
electricity, electric; lightning


  • electricity, electric
  • lightning
  • electric
  • electricity
  • electrical


電 stroke order diagram


腦企業 diàn nǎo qǐ yè computer company; computer firm
腦斷層掃描 diàn nǎo duàn céng sǎo miáo CAT scan; CT scan
腦業者 diàn nǎo yè zhě software developer
腦病毒 diàn nǎo bìng dú computer virus
腦系統 diàn nǎo xì tǒng computer system
腦網 diàn nǎo wǎng computer network; Internet
腦網路 diàn nǎo wǎng lù computer network
腦繪圖 diàn nǎo huì tú computer graphics
腦語言 diàn nǎo yǔ yán programming language; computer language
腦軟件 diàn nǎo ruǎn jiàn computer software
腦輔助工程 diàn nǎo fǔ zhù gōng chéng computer-aided engineering
腦輔助教材 diàn nǎo fǔ zhù jiào cái computer-aided instruction
腦輔助設計 diàn nǎo fǔ zhù shè jì computer-aided design
腦輔助設計與繪圖 diàn nǎo fǔ zhù shè jì yǔ huì tú computer-aided design and drawing
臀舞 diàn tún wǔ twerking, sexually provocative dance involving hip movements while in a low, squatting position
臺 diàn tái transmitter-receiver; broadcasting station; radio station; CL:個|个[ge4],家[jia1]
荒 diàn huāng shortage of electricity
荷 diàn hè electric charge
荷耦合 diàn hè ǒu hé electric charge coupling
荷耦合器件 diàn hè ǒu hé qì jiàn charge-coupled device (CCD) (electronics)
荷量 diàn hè liàng electrical charge
蚊拍 diàn wén pāi electric mosquito swatter
表 diàn biǎo power meter; ammeter; amperemeter; wattmeter; kilowatt-hour meter
視 diàn shì television; TV; CL:臺|台[tai2],個|个[ge4]
視劇 diàn shì jù TV play; soap opera; CL:部[bu4]