
electricity, electric; lightning


  • electricity, electric
  • lightning
  • electric
  • electricity
  • electrical


電 stroke order diagram


晶體 diàn jīng tǐ transistor (Tw)
木 diàn mù bakelite (early plastic); also written 膠木|胶木[jiao1 mu4]
杆 diàn gān electric pole; telephone pole
桿 diàn gǎn electric pole; telegraph pole
梯 diàn tī elevator; escalator; CL:臺|台[tai2],部[bu4]
棒 diàn bàng (coll.) flashlight; (Tw) stun baton; hair iron
極 diàn jí electrode
槍 diàn qiāng stun gun; Taser
機 diàn jī electrical machinery
機及子學工程師聯合會 diàn jī jí diàn zǐ xué gōng chéng shī lián hé huì IEEE; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
死 diàn sǐ to electrocute; to die from an electric shock
氣 diàn qì electricity; electric; electrical
氣化 diàn qì huà electrification
氣工程 diàn qì gōng chéng electrical engineering
氣石 diàn qì shí tourmaline
池 diàn chí battery; CL:節|节[jie2],組|组[zu3]
波 diàn bō electric wave; alternating current
泳 diàn yǒng electrophoresis
洞 diàn dòng electron hole (physics)
流 diàn liú electric current
流表 diàn liú biǎo ammeter
源 diàn yuán electric power source
源供應器 diàn yuán gōng yìng qì power supply (of an appliance etc)
源插座 diàn yuán chā zuò electric socket; power point
源線 diàn yuán xiàn power cable (of an appliance etc)