HSK | Not in HSK |
FREQUENCY | 1682nd character |
RADICAL | ⾨ (169.6) |
INDEX # | 1639 |
chamber, pavilion; cabinet
- chamber, pavilion
- cabinet
- pavilion (usu. two-storied)
- cabinet (politics)
- boudoir
- woman's chamber
- rack
- shelf

阁下 gé xià | your distinguished self; your majesty; sire |
阁楼 gé lóu | garret; loft; attic |
内阁 nèi gé | (government) cabinet |
束之高阁 shù zhī gāo gé | tied up in a bundle on a high shelf; to put sth on the back burner; no longer a high priority |
空中楼阁 kōng zhōng lóu gé | pavilion in the air (idiom); unrealistic Utopian construction; castles in Spain; imaginary future plans |
雅阁 yǎ gé | Accord (Honda brand Japanese car model) |
组阁 zǔ gé | to form a cabinet |
亭台楼阁 tíng tái lóu gé | pavilions and kiosks (in Chinese gardens) |
亭阁 tíng gé | pavilion |
仙山琼阁 xiān shān qióng gé | jeweled palace in the fairy mountain |
佛香阁 fó xiāng gé | Tower of Buddhist Incense in the Summer Palace 頤和園|颐和园[Yi2 he2 yuan2], Beijing |
内阁总理大臣 nèi gé zǒng lǐ dà chén | formal title of the Japanese prime minister |
出阁 chū gé | (of a girl) to marry (literary) |
剑阁 jiàn gé | Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan |
剑阁县 jiàn gé xiàn | Jiange county in Guangyuan 廣元|广元[Guang3 yuan2], Sichuan |
太鲁阁 tài lǔ gé | Taroko gorge national park in Hualien County 花蓮縣|花莲县[Hua1 lian2 Xian4], Taiwan; Taroko ethnic group Taiwan |
太鲁阁族 tài lǔ gé zú | Taroko, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan |
尖阁列岛 jiān gé liè dǎo | Senkaku Islands (Japanese name for the Diaoyu Islands 釣魚島|钓鱼岛[Diao4 yu2 Dao3]), also known as the Pinnacle Islands |
影子内阁 yǐng zi nèi gé | shadow cabinet |
暖阁 nuǎn gé | warm room; warm partition of a room |
栈阁 zhàn gé | plank road built along the side of a cliff; CL:條|条[tiao2] |
楼阁 lóu gé | building; pavilion |
楼阁塔 lóu gé tǎ | multi-storied pagoda |
滕王阁 téng wáng gé | Tengwang Tower in Nanchang, Jiangxi; one of three famous pagodas in China along with Yueyang Tower 岳陽樓|岳阳楼[Yue4 yang2 Lou2] in Yueyang, north Hunan, and Yellow Crane Tower 黃鶴樓|黄鹤楼[Huang2 he4 Lou2] in Wuhan, Hubei |
皇族内阁 huáng zú nèi gé | Qing emergency cabinet set up in May 1911 to confront the Xinhai rebels |