chamber, pavilion; cabinet



  • chamber, pavilion
  • cabinet
  • pavilion (usu. two-storied)
  • cabinet (politics)
  • boudoir
  • woman's chamber
  • rack
  • shelf


阁 stroke order diagram
阁 stroke order animation


石渠 shí qú gé cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 jing1] as state canon
石渠议 shí qú gé yì cabinet meeting in 51 BC that established the five classics of Confucianism 五經|五经[Wu3 jing1] as state canon
置诸高 zhì zhū gāo gé lit. place on a high shelf; to pay no attention to (idiom)
yún gé royal library
寺 jīn gé sì Kinkakuji or Golden pavilion in northwest Kyōto 京都, Japan; informal name of Buddhist temple Rokuonji 鹿苑寺[Lu4 yuan4 si4]
寺 yín gé sì Ginkakuji or Silver pavilion in northeast Kyōto 京都, Japan; officially called Jishōji 慈照寺[Ci2 zhao4 si4]
僚 gé liáo cabinet member
揆 gé kuí premier; prime minister
议 gé yì cabinet meeting
guī gé lady's chamber
gāo gé tall building; high shelf
魁星 kuí xīng gé temple to Kuixing, Daoist God of fate
麒麟 qí lín gé Qilin Pavilion, located in the Weiyang Palace, a hall decorated with portraits of famous officials