
frontier pass; close; relation


關 guān
  • surname Guan
  • mountain pass
  • to close
  • to shut
  • to turn off
  • to concern
  • to involve


自守 bì guān zì shǒu close the country to international intercourse
鎖國 bì guān suǒ guó to close the passes and seal off the country; to close a country to exclude foreign contact
kāi guān power switch; gas valve; to open the city (or frontier) gate; to open and close; to switch on and off
chuǎng guān to crash through a barrier
者 chuǎng guān zhě person who crashes through a barrier; gate-crasher
上 guān shàng to close (a door); to turn off (light, electrical equipment etc)
中 guān zhōng Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河
中地區 guān zhōng dì qū Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河
中平原 guān zhōng píng yuán Guanzhong plain in Shaanxi, valley of the Wei River 渭河
之琳 guān zhī lín Rosamund Kwan (1962-), Hong Kong actress
乎 guān hū to relate to; concerning; about
云長 guān yún cháng courtesy name of 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3]
係 guān xi relation; relationship; to concern; to affect; to have to do with; guanxi; CL:個|个[ge4]; variant of 關係|关系[guan1 xi5]
係代名詞 guān xi dài míng cí relative pronoun
係到 guān xì dào relates to; bears upon
係式 guān xì shì equation expressing a relation (math.)
停 guān tíng (of a power plant, refinery etc) to shut down
公 guān gōng Lord Guan (i.e. 關羽|关羽[Guan1 Yu3])
公面前耍大刀 guān gōng miàn qián shuǎ dà dāo lit. to wield the broadsword in the presence of Lord Guan (idiom); fig. to make a fool of oneself by showing off in front of an expert
切 guān qiè to be deeply concerned; to be troubled (by)
卡 guān qiǎ checkpoint (for taxation, security etc); barrier; hurdle; red tape; CL:個|个[ge4],道[dao4]
口 guān kǒu pass; gateway; (fig.) juncture
城 guān chéng defensive fort over border post
塔納摩 guān tǎ nà mó Guantanamo, Cuba
塔那摩 guān tǎ nà mó Guantanamo