
frontier pass; close; relation


關 guān
  • surname Guan
  • mountain pass
  • to close
  • to shut
  • to turn off
  • to concern
  • to involve


請多照 qǐng duō guān zhào please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting)
識破機 shí pò jī guān to see through a trick
節 mǎi guān jié to offer a bribe
賓語係從句 bīn yǔ guān xì cóng jù object relative clause
子 mài guān zi to keep listeners in suspense (in storytelling); to keep people on tenterhooks
節 mài guān jié to solicit a bribe; to accept a bribe
超友誼係 chāo yǒu yì guān xi relationship that is more than friendship
輕機槍 qīng jī guān qiāng also written 輕機槍|轻机枪; light machine gun
係 zhuǎn guān xi to transfer (from one unit to another)
退 tuì guān shut-out, container or consigment not carried on the intended vessel or aircraft
tōng guān to clear customs; (gaming) to finish (a game, a level, a stage, etc)
密語 tōng guān mì yǔ password
文牒 tōng guān wén dié passport
節 tōng guān jié to facilitate by means of bribery
jìn guān inbound customs (international trade)
過五斬六將 guò wǔ guān zhǎn liù jiàng lit. to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom); fig. to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
過度懷 guò dù guān huái obsession; excessive concern
guò guān to cross a barrier; to get through (an ordeal); to pass (a test); to reach (a standard)
斬將 guò guān zhǎn jiàng to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success) (idiom); abbr. for 過五關斬六將|过五关斩六将[guo4 wu3 guan1 zhan3 liu4 jiang4]
遞推係 dì tuī guān xì recurrence relation
biān guān border station; strategic defensive position on frontier
重機槍 zhòng jī guān qiāng also written 重機槍|重机枪; heavy machine gun
金融機 jīn róng jī guān financial organization
bì guān to close the passes; to seal off the country; seclusion (monastic practice, e.g. of Chan Buddhists)
政策 bì guān zhèng cè closed-door policy