
frontier pass; close; relation


關 guān
  • surname Guan
  • mountain pass
  • to close
  • to shut
  • to turn off
  • to concern
  • to involve


rù guān to enter a pass; to go through customs
兩國係 liǎng guó guān xì bilateral relations
公共係 gōng gòng guān xì public relations
公安機 gōng ān jī guān public security bureau
公家機 gōng jiā jī guān civil service
gōng guān public relations
冷淡係 lěng dàn guān xì cold relations (e.g. between countries)
函谷 hán gǔ guān Hangu Pass in modern day Henan Province, strategic pass forming the eastern gate of the Qin State during the Warring States Period (770-221 BC)
利害攸 lì hài yōu guān to be of vital interest
利害係 lì hài guān xi stake; vital interest; concern
利害係人 lì hài guān xi rén stakeholder; interested party; interested person
利害係方 lì hài guān xi fāng interested party
勞資係 láo zī guān xì industrial relations; relations between labor and capital
勞雇係 láo gù guān xì relations between labor and employer; industrial relations
běi guān Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan
區 běi guān qū Beiguan district of Anyang city 安陽市|安阳市[An1 yang2 shi4], Henan
半開半 bàn kāi bàn guān half-open, half closed
nán guān Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin
區 nán guān qū Nanguan district of Changchun city 長春市|长春市, Jilin
kǎ guān to be stuck; to feel stuck
友好係 yǒu hǎo guān xì good relations
qǔ guān to unfollow (on microblog etc)
kòu guān to knock at the gate (old); to make an approach; to invade; to attack the goal (sports)
台灣係法 tái wān guān xì fǎ Taiwan Relations Act (of US Congress, 1979)
司法機 sī fǎ jī guān judicial authorities