
frontier pass; close; relation


關 guān
  • surname Guan
  • mountain pass
  • to close
  • to shut
  • to turn off
  • to concern
  • to involve


羽 guān yǔ Guan Yu (-219), general of Shu and blood-brother of Liu Bei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, fearsome fighter famous for virtue and loyalty; posthumously worshipped and identified with the guardian Bodhisattva Sangharama
聯 guān lián related; linked; affiliated
聯公司 guān lián gōng sī related company; affiliate
西 guān xī Kansai region, Japan; Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
西鎮 guān xī zhèn Guanxi or Kuanhsi town in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
說 guān shuō to speak for sb; to intercede for sb; to lobby illegally
貿總協定 guān mào zǒng xié dìng GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
連 guān lián variant of 關聯|关联[guan1 lian2]
金 guān jīn see 關金圓|关金圆[guan1 jin1 yuan2]
金圓 guān jīn yuán Chinese customs gold unit, currency used in China between 1930 and 1948
鍵 guān jiàn crucial point; crux; CL:個|个[ge4]; key; crucial; pivotal
鍵字 guān jiàn zì keyword
鍵績效指標 guān jiàn jì xiào zhǐ biāo key performance indicator (KPI)
鍵詞 guān jiàn cí keyword
門 guān mén to close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently)
門大吉 guān mén dà jí to close down a business for good and put the best face on it (idiom)
門弟子 guān mén dì zǐ last disciple of a master
門捉賊 guān mén zhuō zéi to catch a thief by closing his escape route (idiom)
閉 guān bì to close; to shut
難過,過 guān guān nán guò , guān guān guò to meet with great difficulties but pull through
防 guān fáng security measures (esp. border security); official seal (esp. military seal during Qing and Ming times)
隘 guān ài mountain pass
頭 guān tóu juncture; moment
餉 guān xiǎng to receive one's salary; to pay sb's wages
yáng guān Yangguan or Southern Pass on the south Silk Road in Gansu, 70 km south of Dunhuang 敦煌