
frontier pass; close; relation


關 guān
  • surname Guan
  • mountain pass
  • to close
  • to shut
  • to turn off
  • to concern
  • to involve


東煮 guān dōng zhǔ oden, Japanese dish made with boiled eggs, processed fish cakes, daikon radish, tofu etc in a kelp-based broth
東軍 guān dōng jūn Japanese Kwantung army (or Kantō army), notorious for numerous atrocities in China during WWII
格 guān gé blocked or painful urination, constipation and vomiting (Chinese medicine)
棧 guān zhàn bonded warehouse
棧費 guān zhàn fèi bonding fee
機 guān jī to turn off (a machine or device); to finish shooting a film
注 guān zhù to pay attention to; to follow sth closely; to follow (on social media); concern; interest; attention
涉 guān shè to relate (to); to concern; to involve; connection; relationship
漢卿 guān hàn qīng Guan Hanqing (c. 1235-c. 1300), Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 雜劇|杂剧 tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan dramatists 元曲四大家
照 guān zhào to take care; to keep an eye on; to look after; to tell; to remind
白 guān bái to inform; to notify
禁閉 guān jìn bì to put in detention (a soldier, a pupil)
稅 guān shuì customs duty; tariff
稅同盟 guān shuì tóng méng customs union
稅國境 guān shuì guó jìng customs border
稅壁壘 guān shuì bì lěi tariff wall
稅與貿易總協定 guān shuì yǔ mào yì zǒng xié dìng GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
穎珊 guān yǐng shān Michelle Kwan (1980-), former American figure skater, Olympic medalist
節 guān jié joint (physiology); key point; critical phase
節囊 guān jié náng articular capsule (of joint such as knee in anatomy)
節炎 guān jié yán arthritis
節腔 guān jié qiāng articular cavity; joint cavity
節面 guān jié miàn articular facet (anatomy); surface in joint
系 guān xi relation; relationship; to concern; to affect; to have to do with; guanxi; CL:個|个[ge4]; variant of 關係|关系[guan1 xi5]
緊 guān jǐn to close firmly; to fasten securely; to make fast; to lock