
open; initiate, begin, start


開 kāi
  • to open
  • to start
  • to turn on
  • to boil
  • to write out (a prescription, check, invoice etc)
  • to operate (a vehicle)
  • carat (gold)
  • abbr. for Kelvin, 開爾文|开尔文[Kai1 er3 wen2]
  • abbr. for 開本|开本[kai1 ben3], book format


fēn kāi to separate; to part
生面 bié kāi shēng miàn to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path; to break fresh ground
pī kāi to cleave; to split open; to spread open (fingers, legs)
huà kāi to spread out after being diluted or melted; to dissolve into a liquid
半公 bàn gōng kāi semiovert; more or less open
化 bàn kāi huà semicivilized
半關 bàn kāi bàn guān half-open, half closed
門 bàn kāi mén half-open door; fig. prostitute
門兒 bàn kāi mén r erhua variant of 半開門|半开门[ban4 kai1 men2]
nán kāi Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]
區 nán kāi qū Hebei district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tian1 jin1 shi4]
大學 nán kāi dà xué Nankai University (Tianjin)
lìng kāi to break up; to divide property and live apart; to start on a new (path)
zhào kāi to convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together
會議 zhào kāi huì yì to call a conference; to convene a meeting
吃不 chī bu kāi be unpopular; won't work
吃得 chī de kāi to be popular; to be getting on well; much in demand
吾爾希 wú ěr kāi xī Örkesh Dölet (1968-), one of the main leaders of the Beijing student democracy movement of 1989
周轉不 zhōu zhuǎn bù kāi to have financial difficulties; unable to make ends meet
嘴笑 liě kāi zuǐ xiào to laugh
哪壺不提哪壺 nǎ hú bù kāi tí nǎ hú lit. mention the pot that doesn't boil (idiom); to touch a sore spot; to talk about sb's weak point
喜笑顏 xǐ xiào yán kāi grinning from ear to ear (idiom); beaming with happiness
國家發銀行 guó jiā kāi fā yín háng China Development Bank
花 yè kāi huā bottle gourd (i.e. 瓠瓜[hu4 gua1])
dà kāi to open wide