zhǎng cháng

long; length; excel in; leader

HSK 2 #109


长 zhǎng
  • chief
  • head
  • elder
  • to grow
  • to develop
  • to increase
  • to enhance
长 cháng
  • length
  • long
  • forever
  • always
  • constantly


长 stroke order diagram
长 stroke order animation


线钓大鱼 fàng cháng xiàn diào dà yú use a long line to catch a big fish (idiom); a long-term plan for major returns
教学相 jiào xué xiāng zhǎng when you teach someone, both teacher and student will benefit
教育部 jiào yù bù zhǎng Minister of Education; Director of Education Department
jiào zhǎng dean; mullah; imam (Islam); see also 伊瑪目|伊玛目[yi1 ma3 mu4]
石 xié cháng shí plagioclase (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)
春生,夏,秋收,冬藏 chūn shēng , xià zhǎng , qiū shōu , dōng cáng sow in spring, develop in summer, harvest in autumn, store in winter (idiom)
shí cháng duration
昼短夜 zhòu duǎn yè cháng the winter days are short and the nights long (idiom)
最年 zuì nián zhǎng eldest
团 huì zhǎng tuán presidency (Mormon Church)
春 lǐ cháng chūn Li Changchun (1944-), PRC politician
东家西家短 dōng jiā cháng xī jiā duǎn to gossip (idiom)
棕额尾山雀 zōng é cháng wěi shān què (bird species of China) rufous-fronted bushtit (Aegithalos iouschistos)
检察总 jiǎn chá zǒng zhǎng Prosecutor-General (Tw)
石 zhèng cháng shí orthoclase KAlSi3O8 (rock-forming mineral, type of feldspar)
气贯虹 qì guàn cháng hóng spirit reaches to the rainbow; full of noble aspiration and daring
眼 méi zhǎng yǎn see 沒長眼睛|没长眼睛[mei2 zhang3 yan3 jing5]
眼睛 méi zhǎng yǎn jing (coll.) are you blind or something?; look where you're going
法国棍 fǎ guó cháng gùn baguette
xiāo zhǎng to ebb and rise; to decrease and then grow
源远流 yuán yuǎn liú cháng lit. source is distant and the flow is long (idiom); fig. sth goes back to the dim and distant past; a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then
漫漫夜 màn màn cháng yè endless night (idiom); fig. long suffering
营运 yíng yùn zhǎng chief operating officer (COO) (Tw)
论短 zhēng cháng lùn duǎn lit. to argue who is right and wrong (idiom); to quibble; a storm in a teacup
piàn cháng length (duration) of a film