zhǎng cháng

long; length; excel in; leader

HSK 2 #109


长 zhǎng
  • chief
  • head
  • elder
  • to grow
  • to develop
  • to increase
  • to enhance
长 cháng
  • length
  • long
  • forever
  • always
  • constantly


长 stroke order diagram
长 stroke order animation


友谊地久天 yǒu yì dì jiǔ tiān cháng Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯[Luo2 bo2 te4 · Bo2 en1 si1], sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell; also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁[You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久[You3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3]
友谊天地久 yǒu yì tiān cháng dì jiǔ see 友誼地久天長|友谊地久天长[You3 yi4 di4 jiu3 tian1 chang2]
吃一堑,一智 chī yī qiàn , zhǎng yī zhì Fall into the moat and you'll be wiser next time (idiom); One only learns from one's mistakes.
各显所 gè xiǎn suǒ cháng each displays their own strengths (idiom)
君子坦荡荡,小人戚戚 jūn zi tǎn dàng dàng , xiǎo rén cháng qī qī good people are at peace with themselves, (but) there is no rest for the wicked
jūn zhǎng (old) sovereign; tribal leader
啦啦队 lā lā duì zhǎng cheerleader
国务官 guó wù zhǎng guān secretary of state (esp. historical, or Japanese or Korean usage)
国会议 guó huì yì zhǎng chair (or president, speaker etc) of national congress
执行 zhí xíng zhǎng chief executive
天 zēng zhǎng tiān Virudhaka (one of the Heavenly Kings)
寿命不 shòu mìng bù cháng one's days are numbered; not to have long to live (often fig.)
大修道院 dà xiū dào yuàn zhǎng abbot
大排龙 dà pái cháng lóng to form a long queue (idiom); (of cars) to be bumper to bumper
今 dà cháng jīn Dae Chang Kum, a Korean Drama (GM)
嘴地鸫 dà cháng zuǐ dì dōng (bird species of China) long-billed thrush (Zoothera monticola)
tiān cháng Tianchang county level city in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui
市 tiān cháng shì Tianchang county level city in Chuzhou 滁州[Chu2 zhou1], Anhui
zǐ cháng Zichang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi
县 zǐ cháng xiàn Zichang county in Yan'an 延安[Yan2 an1], Shaanxi
官房官 guān fáng zhǎng guān chief cabinet secretary (Japan)
寓意深 yù yì shēn cháng to have profound import (idiom); to be deeply significant
尺有所短,寸有所 chǐ yǒu suǒ duǎn , cùn yǒu suǒ cháng lit. for some things a foot may be too short, and for the other an inch will suffice (proverb); fig. everyone has their strong and weak points; everything has its advantages and disadvantages
尺短寸 chǐ duǎn cùn cháng abbr. for 尺有所短,寸有所長|尺有所短,寸有所长[chi3 you3 suo3 duan3 , cun4 you3 suo3 chang2]
水远 shān cháng shuǐ yuǎn long and arduous journey (idiom)