zhǎng cháng

long; length; excel in; leader


長 zhǎng
  • chief
  • head
  • elder
  • to grow
  • to develop
  • to increase
  • to enhance
長 cháng
  • length
  • long
  • forever
  • always
  • constantly


長 stroke order diagram


典獄 diǎn yù zhǎng warden
rǒng cháng long and tedious; redundant; superfluous; supernumerary; verbose (of writing)
度 rǒng cháng dù (level of) redundancy
列車 liè chē zhǎng conductor; train manager
別無物 bié wú cháng wù to possess nothing except bare necessities; to live a poor or frugal life
副州 fù zhōu zhǎng deputy governor (of a province or colony); lieutenant governor of US state
副市 fù shì zhǎng deputy mayor
副校 fù xiào zhǎng vice-principal
副秘書 fù mì shū zhǎng vice-secretary
副議 fù yì zhǎng vice-chairman
副部 fù bù zhǎng assistant (government) minister
副院 fù yuàn zhǎng deputy chair of board; vice-president (of a university etc)
jiā cháng to lengthen
zhù zhǎng to encourage; to foster; to foment
bāo cháng packet size (computing)
尾山雀 běi cháng wěi shān què (bird species of China) long-tailed tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
qū zhǎng district chief
千里搭棚,沒有不散的宴席 qiān lǐ dā cháng péng , méi yǒu bù sàn de yàn xí even if you build a thousand-league awning for it, every banquet must come to an end (idiom)
軸 bàn cháng zhóu semiaxis; radius
南北 nán běi cháng north-south distance
nán cháng Nanchang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu
區 nán cháng qū Nanchang district of Wuxi city 無錫市|无锡市[Wu2 xi1 shi4], Jiangsu
參謀總 cān móu zǒng zhǎng army Chief of Staff
參謀 cān móu zhǎng chief of staff
友誼地久天 yǒu yì dì jiǔ tiān cháng Auld Lang Syne, Scottish song with lyrics by Robert Burns 羅伯特·伯恩斯|罗伯特·伯恩斯[Luo2 bo2 te4 · Bo2 en1 si1], sung to mark the start of a new year or as a farewell; also rendered 友誼萬歲|友谊万岁[You3 yi4 wan4 sui4] or 友誼天長地久|友谊天长地久[You3 yi4 tian1 chang2 di4 jiu3]