
mirror; lens; glass; glasses


  • mirror
  • lens
  • glass
  • glasses
  • mirror
  • lens


望遠座 wàng yuǎn jìng zuò Telescopium (constellation)
樂昌之 lè chāng zhī jìng happy wife-husband reunion
樂昌分 lè chāng fēn jìng happy wife-husband reunion
每日報 měi rì jìng bào Daily Mirror (newspaper)
yǒng jìng swimming goggles
游泳 yóu yǒng jìng swimming goggles
潛望 qián wàng jìng periscope
濾色 lǜ sè jìng color filter
照妖 zhào yāo jìng magic mirror for revealing goblins; fig. way of seeing through a conspiracy
wù jìng objective (optics)
玳瑁眼 dài mào yǎn jìng hawksbill shell-rimmed eyeglasses; CL:副[fu4]
mù jìng eyepiece
直腸 zhí cháng jìng proctoscope (medicine)
yǎn jìng spectacles; eyeglasses; CL:副[fu4]
片 yǎn jìng piàn lens (in eyeglasses etc)
猴 yǎn jìng hóu tarsier monkey
蛇 yǎn jìng shé cobra
矯正透 jiǎo zhèng tòu jìng correcting lens
pò jìng broken mirror; fig. broken marriage; divorce
重圓 pò jìng chóng yuán a shattered mirror put back together (idiom); (of marriage) to pick up the pieces and start anew; for a separated couple to reconcile and reunite
高懸 qín jìng gāo xuán see 明鏡高懸|明镜高悬[ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2]
léng jìng prism; prismatic lens
結腸檢查 jié cháng jìng jiǎn chá colonoscopy
老花 lǎo huā jìng presbyopic glasses
wèi jìng gastroscope (medicine)