
error, blunder, mistake, wrong


錯 cuò
  • surname Cuo
  • mistake
  • wrong
  • bad
  • interlocking
  • complex
  • to grind
  • to polish
  • to alternate
  • to stagger
  • to miss
  • to let slip
  • to evade
  • to inlay with gold or silver


yī cuò zài cuò to repeat errors; to continue blundering; to make continuous mistakes
bù cuò correct; right; not bad; pretty good
jiāo cuò to crisscross; to intertwine
zuò cuò to make an error
冤假案 yuān jiǎ cuò àn unjust, fake and false charges (in a legal case)
chū cuò to make a mistake; error
信息 chū cuò xìn xī error message (computing)
參差落 cēn cī cuò luò uneven and jumbled (idiom); irregular and disorderly; in a tangled mess
藥 chī cuò yào (lit.) to have taken the wrong medicine; (fig.) (of one's behavior etc) different than usual; abnormal
角 wài cuò jiǎo outer alternate angles (where one line meets two parallel lines)
dà cuò blunder
dà cuò tè cuò to be gravely mistaken (idiom)
shī cuò mistake; slip-up; by accident
jiāng cuò jiù cuò lit. if it's wrong, it's wrong (idiom); to make the best after a mistake; to accept an error and adapt to it; to muddle through
履舄交 lǚ xì jiāo cuò lit. shoes and slippers muddled together (idiom); fig. many guests come and go; a lively party
山珍海 shān zhēn hǎi cuò rarities from the mountain and the sea (idiom); fig. a sumptuous spread of food delicacies
chā cuò mistake; slip-up; fault; error (in data transmission); accident; mishap
nòng cuò to err; to get sth wrong; to miscalculate; to misunderstand
忙中有 máng zhōng yǒu cuò rushed work leads to errors (idiom)
dǎ cuò to err; to dial a wrong number; to make a typo
拼寫誤 pīn xiě cuò wù spelling mistake; written error
pīn cuò to misspell; to piece together incorrectly
pái cuò troubleshooting; debugging; to debug; erratum; to arrange in incorrect sequence
gǎo cuò mistake; to make a mistake; to blunder; mistaken
gǎi cuò to correct an error
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