copy, write down, record


  • copy, write down, record
  • surname Lu
  • diary
  • record
  • to hit
  • to copy


機 dá lù jī answering machine
jié lù to extract; to excerpt; excerpt
jì lù variant of 記錄|记录[ji4 lu4] (but in Taiwan, not for the verb sense "to record")
創造者 jì lù chuàng zào zhě record setter; record holder
片 jì lù piàn newsreel; documentary (film or TV program); CL:部[bu4]
biān lù to select and edict; to edit extracts
zhù lù to record; to put down in writing
行車記儀 xíng chē jì lù yí dashcam
jì lù to record; record (written account); note-taker; record (in sports etc); CL:個|个[ge4]
員 jì lù yuán recorder
器 jì lù qì recorder
片 jì lù piàn variant of 紀錄片|纪录片[ji4 lu4 pian4]
yǔ lù quotation (from a book or existing source)
téng lù to copy out
jí lù to compile; to collect
zhuǎn lù transcription; to make a copy of a recording
逆轉病毒 nì zhuǎn lù bìng dú reverse transcription virus; retrovirus
逆轉酶 nì zhuǎn lù méi reverse transcriptase
通訊 tōng xùn lù address book; directory
過庭 guò tíng lù lit. Notes on Passing the Hall, historical jottings by 12th century Southern Song poet Fan Gongcheng 范公偁[Fan4 Gong1 cheng1], containing moral instructions derived from great men of Song dynasty
遠程登 yuǎn chéng dēng lù telnet; rlogin; remote login
xuǎn lù an excerpt; a digest
量才用 liàng cái lù yòng to assess sb's capabilities and employ him accordingly (idiom); to employ sb competent for the task
供 lù gòng to take down a confession
像 lù xiàng to videotape; to videorecord; video recording; CL:盤|盘[pan2]