copy, write down, record


  • copy, write down, record
  • surname Lu
  • diary
  • record
  • to hit
  • to copy


cǎi lù collect and record
zhāi lù to extract; to excerpt; an excerpt
zhuàn lù to compile and record
shōu lù to include (in a collection); to put together (stories, poems etc); to record; to employ; to recruit
機 shōu lù jī radio-tape recorder
日知 rì zhī lù Rizhilu or Record of daily study, by early Confucian philosopher Gu Yanwu 顧炎武|顾炎武
明實 míng shí lù annals of the Ming Dynasty 明朝[Ming2 chao2] (1368-1644)
jú lù classification of orange trees by 12th century Song dynasty botanist Han Yanzhi 韓彥直|韩彦直[Han2 Yan4 zhi2]
jiǎn lù roll-call (e.g. at athletics event); check the record
殊域周咨 shū yù zhōu zī lù Ming dynasty record (1574) of exploration and foreign relations
毛主席語 máo zhǔ xí yǔ lù Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung, published from 1964 to about 1976
洗冤集 xǐ yuān jí lù Record of Washed Grievances (1247) by Song Ci 宋慈, said to be the world's first legal forensic text
清實 qīng shí lù Qing historical archive, currently 4484 scrolls
guàn lù to record (audio)
shāo lù to burn (a CD or DVD)
zhēn lù to employ by an examination
dēng lù to register; to log in
發行備忘 fā xíng bèi wàng lù offering memorandum (for public stock issue); publication memorandum
盒式音磁帶 hé shì lù yīn cí dài cassette tape
dào lù to pirate (an audio recording, movie etc); to bootleg
mù lù catalog; table of contents; directory (on computer hard drive); list; contents
學 mù lù xué bibliography
眼動記 yǎn dòng jì lù eye movement recording
破紀 pò jì lù to break a record; record-breaking
bǐ lù to put down in writing; to take down notes; transcript; record