
needle; pin; tack; acupuncture


  • needle
  • pin
  • tack
  • acupuncture
  • needle
  • pin
  • injection
  • stitch
  • CL:根[gen1],支[zhi1]
  • variant of 針|针[zhen1], needle


fāng zhēn policy; guidelines; CL:個|个[ge4]
shí zhēn hand of a clock; hour hand
yùn zhēn to faint during acupuncture or injection
曲別 qū bié zhēn paper clip
dú zhēn to inject poison
毛線 máo xiàn zhēn knitting needle
háo zhēn acupuncture needle
注射 zhù shè zhēn needle; hypodermic needle
注射頭 zhù shè zhēn tóu see 注射針|注射针[zhu4 she4 zhen1]
海底撈 hǎi dǐ lāo zhēn see 大海撈針|大海捞针[da4 hai3 lao1 zhen1]
灰喉尾雨燕 huī hóu zhēn wěi yǔ yàn (bird species of China) silver-backed needletail (Hirundapus cochinchinensis)
注射器 wú zhēn zhù shè qì jet injector
liú zhēn to leave an inserted needle in place for a period of time (acupuncture)
白喉尾雨燕 bái hóu zhēn wěi yǔ yàn (bird species of China) white-throated needletail (Hirundapus caudacutus)
biān zhēn remonstrance; admonition
磨杵成 mó chǔ chéng zhēn to grind an iron bar down to a fine needle (idiom); fig. to persevere in a difficult task; to study diligently
miǎo zhēn second hand (of a clock)
穿引線 chuān zhēn yǐn xiàn lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between
穿走線 chuān zhēn zǒu xiàn thread a needle
綿裡藏 mián lǐ cáng zhēn lit. a needle concealed in silk floss (idiom); fig. ruthless character behind a gentle appearance; a wolf in sheep's clothing; an iron fist in a velvet glove
縫衣 féng yī zhēn sewing needle
féng zhēn a stitch; surgical stitches
fèng zhēn needle
跡 féng zhēn jì seam
總方 zǒng fāng zhēn general policy; overall guidelines