
gold; metals in general; money

HSK 4 #260


金 jīn
  • surname Jin
  • surname Kim (Korean)
  • Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
  • gold
  • chemical element Au
  • generic term for lustrous and ductile metals
  • money
  • golden
  • highly respected
  • one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]


金 stroke order diagram
金 stroke order animation


hòu jīn Later Jin dynasty (from 1616-); Manchu Khanate or kingdom that took over as Qing dynasty in 1644
bài jīn to worship money; to be mad about money
不昧 shí jīn bù mèi to pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return property to its owner
pìn jīn betrothal money (given to the bride's family)
戈铁马 jīn gē tiě mǎ very powerful army
正恩 jīn zhèng ēn Kim Jong-un (c. 1983-), third son of Kim Jong-il 金正日[Jin1 Zheng4 ri4], supreme leader of North Korea from 2011
毛狗 jīn máo gǒu golden retriever (dog breed); Cibotium barometz, Asian tropical tree fern with hairy fronds (used in TCM)
泳三 jīn yǒng sān Kim Young-sam (1927-), South Korean politician, president 1993-1998
乌 jīn wū Golden Crow; the sun; the three-legged golden crow that lives in the sun
兰 jīn lán profound friendship; sworn brotherhood
银花 jīn yín huā honeysuckle
领 jīn lǐng gold collar; high-level senior executive; highly-skilled worker
属 jiǎn jīn shǔ alkali metal
海岸 huáng jīn hǎi àn name of various places including Gold Coast (Australian city), Gold Coast (former British colony in Africa) and Costa Daurada (area on the coast of Catalonia, Spain)
黑色属 hēi sè jīn shǔ ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, manganese and alloys containing them)
K k jīn see 開金|开金[kai1 jin1]
一刻千 yī kè qiān jīn time is gold; every minute counts
一字千 yī zì qiān jīn one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); (in praise of a piece of writing or calligraphy) each character is perfect; each word is highly valued
一寸光阴一寸 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom); fig. free time is to be treasured
一寸光陰一寸 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold. (idiom); fig. free time is to be treasured
一寸光阴一寸,寸难买寸光阴 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom); fig. Time is precious and must be treasured.
一寸光陰一寸,寸難買寸光陰 yī cùn guāng yīn yī cùn jīn , cùn jīn nán mǎi cùn guāng yīn lit. An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold, money cannot buy you time. (idiom); fig. Time is precious and must be treasured.
一擲千 yī zhì qiān jīn lit. stake a thousand pieces of gold on one throw (idiom); to throw away money recklessly; extravagant
一言千 yī yán qiān jīn one word worth a thousand in gold (idiom); valuable advice; words of enormous weight
一諾千 yī nuò qiān jīn a promise worth one thousand in gold (idiom); a promise that must be kept