
gold; metals in general; money

HSK 4 #260


金 jīn
  • surname Jin
  • surname Kim (Korean)
  • Jurchen Jin dynasty (1115-1234)
  • gold
  • chemical element Au
  • generic term for lustrous and ductile metals
  • money
  • golden
  • highly respected
  • one of the eight categories of ancient musical instruments 八音[ba1 yin1]


金 stroke order diagram
金 stroke order animation


大中 jīn dà zhōng Kim Dae-jung (1926-2009), South Korea politician, president 1998-2003, Nobel peace prize laureate 2000
沙萨 jīn shā sà Kinshasa, capital of Zaire
丝燕 jīn sī yàn Aerodramus, genus of birds that use echolocation, a subset of the Collocaliini tribe (swiflets), two of whose species – Aerodramus fuciphagus and Aerodramus maximus – build nests harvested to make bird's nest soup
翅雀 jīn chì què (bird species of China) grey-capped greenfinch (Chloris sinica)
术 diǎn jīn shù Midas touch; golden touch
库 xiǎo jīn kù supplementary cash reserve; private fund; private hoard; slush fund
主义 bài jīn zhǔ yì money worship
汉郡 bái jīn hàn jùn Buckinghamshire (English county)
zǐ jīn Zijin county in Heyuan 河源[He2 yuan2], Guangdong
山 zǐ jīn shān Purple Mountain in suburbs of Nanjing, with Ming tombs and Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum
石 shì jīn shí touchstone; fig. test that sth is genuine
属 guì jīn shǔ precious metal
榜题名 jīn bǎng tí míng to win top marks in the imperial examinations
沙 jīn shā Jinsha county in Bijie prefecture 畢節地區|毕节地区[Bi4 jie2 di4 qu1], Guizhou; Chinsha town in Kinmen County 金門縣|金门县[Jin1 men2 xian4] (Kinmen or Quemoy islands), Taiwan
瓯 jīn ōu Ca Mau, Vietnam
华 jīn huá Jinhua prefecture-level city in Zhejiang
钱豹 jīn qián bào leopard
鸡纳霜 jīn jī nà shuāng quinine powder
kāi jīn carated gold (alloy containing stated proportion of gold)
属 fēi jīn shǔ nonmetal (chemistry)
屋 huáng jīn wū lit. house made of gold; fig. luxurious residence
yě jīn metallurgy
学 yě jīn xué metallurgy
bāo jīn to gild; (old) wages paid to a performer or a troupe by a theater
寸土寸 cùn tǔ cùn jīn land is extremely expensive (in that area) (idiom)