
distant, remote, far; profound


遠 yuǎn
  • far
  • distant
  • remote
  • (intensifier in a comparison) by far
  • much (lower etc)
遠 yuàn
  • to distance oneself from (classical)


遠 stroke order diagram


敬而之 jìng ér yuǎn zhī to show respect from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance
敬鬼神而之 jìng guǐ shén ér yuǎn zhī to respect Gods and demons from a distance (idiom); to remain at a respectful distance
zuì yuǎn furthest; most distant; at maximum distance
有失迎 yǒu shī yuǎn yíng (polite) excuse me for not going out to meet you
瞄準鏡 wàng yuǎn miào zhǔn jìng telescopic sight; scope (on a rifle)
鏡 wàng yuǎn jìng binoculars; telescope; CL:付[fu4],副[fu4],部[bu4]
鏡座 wàng yuǎn jìng zuò Telescopium (constellation)
李懷 lǐ huái yuǎn Li Huaiyuan (-756), senior Tang dynasty official
哲 lǐ yuǎn zhé Yuan T. Lee (1936-), Taiwanese-born Chemist and Nobel Prize winner in 1986
楊致 yáng zhì yuǎn Jerry Yang (1968-), Taiwan-US millionaire and creator of Yahoo
極目望 jí mù yuǎn wàng as far as the eye can see
歷史久 lì shǐ jiǔ yuǎn ancient history
永永 yǒng yǒng yuǎn yuǎn for ever and ever
yǒng yuǎn forever; eternal
深謀慮 shēn móu yuǎn lǜ lit. deep plans and distant thoughts; to plan far ahead (idiom)
深謀略 shēn móu yuǎn lüè a well-thought out long-term strategy
shēn yuǎn far-reaching; profound and long-lasting
yuān yuǎn deep; profound
qīng yuǎn Qingyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong
市 qīng yuǎn shì Qingyuan prefecture level city in Guangdong province
miǎo yuǎn distantly remote; also written 邈遠|邈远[miao3 yuan3]
流長 yuán yuǎn liú cháng lit. source is distant and the flow is long (idiom); fig. sth goes back to the dim and distant past; a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then
漸行漸 jiàn xíng jiàn yuǎn gradually proceed, gradually get further apart
無窮點 wú qióng yuǎn diǎn point at infinity (math.); infinitely distant point
弗屆 wú yuǎn fú jiè to extend all over the globe (idiom); far-reaching