
join, connect; continuous; even


連 lián
  • surname Lian
  • to link
  • to join
  • to connect
  • continuously
  • in succession
  • including
  • (used with 也[ye3], 都[dou1] etc) even
  • company (military)


縣 yún lián xiàn Yunlian county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan
nián lián to adhere; to stick together
zhān lián adhesion; to adhere; to cohere; to stick
jié lián linked in a chain
絕對續 jué duì lián xù absolutely continuous (math.)
綿 mián lián continuous; uninterrupted
縫縫 féng féng lián lián needlework; sewing and mending
莫霍洛維奇不續面 mò huò luò wéi qí bù lián xù miàn Moho (aka Mohorovičić discontinuity, the lower boundary of the earth's lithosphere); abbr. to 莫霍面[Mo4 huo4 mian4]
藕斷絲 ǒu duàn sī lián lit. lotus roots may break, but the fiber remains joined (idiom); lovers part, but still long for one another
虛擬接 xū nǐ lián jiē virtual connection
血肉相 xuè ròu xiāng lián one's own flesh and blood (idiom); closely related
裡勾外 lǐ gōu wài lián to act from inside in coordination with attackers outside; attacked from both inside and out
guàn lián to link up; to join together; to connect
結 chāo lián jié (Tw) hyperlink
三併四 lián sān bìng sì one after the other; in succession (idiom)
串 lián chuàn one after the other; a succession of; a series of
任 lián rèn to continue in (a political) office; to serve for another term of office
動 lián dòng to link; to peg (currency); gang (gears); continuously; serial verb construction
動債 lián dòng zhài structured note (finance)
南瑤族自治縣 lián nán yáo zú zì zhì xiàn Liannan Yao Autonomous County in Qingyuan 清遠|清远[Qing1 yuan3], Guangdong
南縣 lián nán xiàn Liannan Yaozu autonomous county in Qingyuan 清远, Guangdong
合 lián hé to combine; to join; to unite; alliance; same as 聯合|联合
同 lián tóng together with; along with
哄帶騙 lián hǒng dài piàn to cajole; to sweet talk sb into doing sth
坐 lián zuò to treat as guilty those associated with an offender (family, neighbors etc)