
distant, remote, far; profound

HSK 2 #386


远 yuǎn
  • far
  • distant
  • remote
  • (intensifier in a comparison) by far
  • much (lower etc)
远 yuàn
  • to distance oneself from (classical)


远 stroke order diagram
远 stroke order animation


yōu yuǎn long time ago; distant; far away
虑 yuǎn lǜ long-term considerations; to take the long view
期 yuǎn qī long-term; at a fixed date in the future (e.g. for repayment); abbr. for 遠期合約|远期合约[yuan3 qi1 he2 yue1]
祖 yuǎn zǔ a remote ancestor
马致 mǎ zhì yuǎn Ma Zhiyuan (c. 1250-1321), Yuan dynasty dramatist in the 雜劇|杂剧[za2 ju4] tradition of musical comedy, one of the Four Great Yuan Dramatists 元曲四大家[Yuan2 qu3 Si4 Da4 jia1]
三级跳 sān jí tiào yuǎn triple jump (athletics); hop, skip and jump
zhōng yuǎn abbr. for 中遠集團|中远集团[Zhong1 yuan3 Ji2 tuan2], COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)
太平洋 zhōng yuǎn tài píng yáng COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company
太平洋有限公司 zhōng yuǎn tài píng yáng yǒu xiàn gōng sī COSCO Pacific Limited, major freight company
集团 zhōng yuǎn jí tuán COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company)
香港集团 zhōng yuǎn xiāng gǎng jí tuán COSCO Hong Kong Group
人无虑,必有近忧 rén wú yuǎn lǜ , bì yǒu jìn yōu He who gives no thought to far-flung problems soon finds suffering nearby (idiom, from Analects).; Smug concentration on the here and now will lead to future sorrow.
pì yuǎn remote and faraway
前程大 qián chéng yuǎn dà to have a future full of promise
十字军征 shí zì jūn yuǎn zhēng the Crusades
君子庖厨 jūn zǐ yuàn páo chú lit. a nobleman stays clear of the kitchen (idiom, from Mencius); fig. a nobleman who has seen a living animal cannot bear to see it die, hence he keeps away from the kitchen
哆啰美 duō luō měi yuǎn Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
哆啰美族 duō luō měi yuǎn zú Torobiawan, one of the indigenous peoples of Taiwan
哈伯太空望镜 hā bó tài kōng wàng yuǎn jìng Hubble Space Telescope
大老 dà lǎo yuǎn very far away
天差地 tiān chā dì yuǎn poles apart (idiom); entirely different
天高皇帝 tiān gāo huáng dì yuǎn lit. the sky is high and the emperor is far away (idiom); fig. remote places are beyond the reach of the central government
wēi yuǎn Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan
县 wēi yuǎn xiàn Weiyuan county in Neijiang 內江|内江[Nei4 jiang1], Sichuan
ān yuǎn Anyuan county in Ganzhou 贛州|赣州, Jiangxi