words, speech, expression, phrase


  • words, speech, expression, phrase
  • old variant of 辭|辞[ci2]
  • to resign
  • to dismiss
  • to decline
  • to take leave
  • ballad (archaic poetic genre)
  • variant of 詞|词[ci2]


biàn cí an excuse
隱約其 yǐn yuē qí cí equivocal speech; to use vague or ambiguous language
其咎 nán cí qí jiù cannot escape censure (idiom); has to bear the blame
sòng cí variant of 頌詞|颂词[song4 ci2]
類語典 lèi yǔ cí diǎn thesaurus
bó cí refutation; incoherent speech
lì cí beautiful wordage; also written 麗詞|丽词[li4 ci2]