
soft, flexible, pliable; weak


  • soft, flexible, pliable
  • weak
  • soft
  • flexible
  • variant of 軟|软[ruan3]


足類 ruǎn zú lèi (coll.) inkfish; octopus, squid and cuttlefish
釘子 ruǎn dīng zi lit. a soft nail; fig. a tactful retort or rejection
飲 ruǎn yǐn soft drink
飲料 ruǎn yǐn liào soft drink
骨 ruǎn gǔ cartilage
骨病 ruǎn gǔ bìng chondropathy (medicine)
骨魚 ruǎn gǔ yú cartilaginous fish (such as sharks)
骨魚類 ruǎn gǔ yú lèi cartilaginous fishes; Chondrichthyes (taxonomic class including sharks and rays)
體 ruǎn tǐ software (Tw); soft-bodied (animal)
體動物 ruǎn tǐ dòng wù mollusk; mollusks
體業 ruǎn tǐ yè the software industry
體配送者 ruǎn tǐ pèi sòng zhě software distributor
齦音 ruǎn yín yīn velar sound (linguistics)
齶 ruǎn è soft palate
sū ruǎn weak (of body or limbs); limp; gone soft
suān ruǎn limp and painful
開放源碼件 kāi fàng yuán mǎ ruǎn jiàn open source software (OSS)
間諜件 jiàn dié ruǎn jiàn spyware
防毒件 fáng dú ruǎn jiàn anti-virus software
雷公打豆腐,揀的欺 léi gōng dǎ dòu fu , jiǎn ruǎn de qī the God of Thunder strikes bean curd, a bully picks the weakest person; to pick on an easy target
電腦件 diàn nǎo ruǎn jiàn computer software
骨板 hóu ruǎn gǔ bǎn epiphyseal plate; growth plate (bone)
sōng ruǎn flexible; not rigid; spongy; soft or runny (not set hard); loose (soil)
嫩 ruǎn nèn tender and soft