
cart, vehicle; carry in cart


車 chē
  • surname Che
  • car
  • vehicle
  • CL:輛|辆[liang4]
  • machine
  • to shape with a lathe
  • Kangxi radical 159
車 jū
  • war chariot (archaic)
  • rook (in Chinese chess)
  • rook (in chess)


車 stroke order diagram


流 chē liú traffic; rate of traffic flow
照 chē zhào vehicle license
爾尼雪夫斯基 chē ěr ní xuě fū sī jī Nikolai Chernyshevsky
牌 chē pái license plate
皮 chē pí wagon; freight car
票 chē piào ticket (for a bus or train)
禍 chē huò traffic accident; car crash; CL:場|场[chang2]
程 chē chéng travel time; expected time for a car journey
窗 chē chuāng car window; window of vehicle (bus, train etc)
站 chē zhàn rail station; bus stop; CL:處|处[chu4],個|个[ge4]
箱 chē xiāng variant of 車廂|车厢[che1 xiang1]
籍 chē jí a vehicle's registration information (Tw)
胎 chē tāi tire
臣 chē chén Chechnya, a republic in southwestern Russia; Chechen
行 chē háng car-related business; car dealership; taxi company; (commercial) garage
行 chē xíng traffic; to drive (i.e. travel in a vehicle)
行通道 chē xíng tōng dào traffic passage
行道 chē xíng dào roadway; carriageway
裂 chē liè to tear off a person's four limbs and head using five horse drawn carts (as capital punishment); to tear limb from limb
費 chē fèi passenger fare
貼 chē tiē car allowance
身 chē shēn body of automobile
軸 chē zhóu axle; CL:根[gen1]
軸草 chē zhóu cǎo honewort; Cryptotaenia japonica
載斗量 chē zài dǒu liáng lit. measured in cartloads and gallons; fig. by the barrowload (i.e. lots and lots); innumerable