
jump over, leap over; surpass

HSK 3 #754


超 chāo
  • to exceed
  • to overtake
  • to surpass
  • to transcend
  • to pass
  • to cross
  • ultra-
  • super-


超 stroke order diagram
超 stroke order animation


市 chāo shì supermarket; abbr. for 超級市場|超级市场; CL:家[jia1]
过 chāo guò to surpass; to exceed; to outstrip
级 chāo jí super-; ultra-; hyper-
越 chāo yuè to surpass; to exceed; to transcend
gāo chāo excellent; superlative
人 chāo rén Superman, comic book superhero; superhuman; exceptional
出 chāo chū to exceed; to overstep; to go too far; to encroach
速 chāo sù to exceed the speed limit; to speed; high-speed
模 chāo mó supermodel
度 chāo dù to surpass; to transcend; to perform religious ceremonies to help the soul find peace
声波 chāo shēng bō ultrasound (scan)
凡 chāo fán out of the ordinary; exceedingly (good)
重 chāo zhòng overweight (baggage, freight)
声 chāo shēng ultrasonic; ultrasound
负荷 chāo fù hè excess load; an overload; overloaded
前 chāo qián to be ahead of one's time; to surpass or outdo one's predecessors; to be ahead of the pack; to take the lead; advanced
时 chāo shí to exceed the time limit; (to work) overtime; (computing) timeout
标 chāo biāo to cross the limit; to be over the accepted norm; excessive
群 chāo qún surpassing; preeminent; outstanding
新星 chāo xīn xīng supernova
载 chāo zài to overload
脱 chāo tuō to stand aloof; to be detached from; to transcend worldliness; untrammeled; unconventional
车 chāo chē to overtake (another car)
音速 chāo yīn sù supersonic
级市场 chāo jí shì chǎng supermarket
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