
jump over, leap over; surpass

HSK 3 #754


超 chāo
  • to exceed
  • to overtake
  • to surpass
  • to transcend
  • to pass
  • to cross
  • ultra-
  • super-


超 stroke order diagram
超 stroke order animation


gǎn chāo to overtake
chū chāo trade surplus; favorable balance of trade
现实主义 chāo xiàn shí zhǔ yì surrealism
级大国 chāo jí dà guó superpower
支 chāo zhī to overspend
短裙 chāo duǎn qún miniskirt
生 chāo shēng to exceed the stipulated limit of a birth-control policy; to be reincarnated; to be lenient
短波 chāo duǎn bō ultra short wave (radio); UHF
额 chāo é above quota
rù chāo trade deficit; import surplus
导体 chāo dǎo tǐ superconductor
导 chāo dǎo superconductor; superconductivity (physics)
绝 chāo jué surpassing; excelling; preeminent; unique
龄 chāo líng too old; overage; (of a young person's behavior or attributes) beyond one's years; adultlike
yīng chāo Premier League; England Premier Soccer League
额利润 chāo é lì rùn superprofit; excess profit
B型声 b xíng chāo shēng type-B ultrasound
B型聲 b xíng chāo shēng type-B ultrasound
B b chāo B-mode ultrasonography; prenatal ultrasound scan; abbr. for B型超聲|B型超声[B xing2 chao1 sheng1]
内在越 nèi zài chāo yuè inner transcendence (perfection through one's own inner moral cultivation, as in Confucianism, for example)
內在越 nèi zài chāo yuè inner transcendence (perfection through one's own inner moral cultivation, as in Confucianism, for example)
半导体点阵 bàn dǎo tǐ chāo diǎn zhèn semiconductor superlattice
半導體點陣 bàn dǎo tǐ chāo diǎn zhèn semiconductor superlattice
fǎn chāo to reverse (the score); to pull off a comeback; to take the lead
吴孟 wú mèng chāo Wu Mengchao (1922-), Chinese medical scientist and surgeon specializing in liver and gallbladder disorders