load, burden; carry, bear


負 fù
  • to bear
  • to carry (on one's back)
  • to turn one's back on
  • to be defeated
  • negative (math. etc)


負 stroke order diagram


極 fù jí negative pole; cathode
氣 fù qì in a pique; sulky; cross
片 fù piàn negative (in photography)
疚 fù jiù (literary) to feel apologetic; to feel guilty
累 fù lěi to implicate; to involve
累 fù lèi burden
翁 fù wēng debtor (jocular term, homonymous with 富翁[fu4 weng1])
能量 fù néng liàng negative energy; negativity
荊請罪 fù jīng qǐng zuì lit. to bring a bramble and ask for punishment (idiom); fig. to offer sb a humble apology
荷 fù hè load; burden; charge
號 fù hào negative value sign - (math.); minus sign
責 fù zé to be in charge of; to take responsibility for; to be to blame; conscientious
責人 fù zé rén person in charge
責任 fù zé rèn to take responsibility; to bear responsibility; to be responsible
載 fù zài to carry; to support; load
離子 fù lí zǐ negative ion; anion (physics)
電 fù diàn negative electric charge
面 fù miàn negative; the negative side
鼠 fù shǔ opossum (zoo.)
資產債表 zī chǎn fù zhài biǎo balance sheet
荷 chāo fù hè excess load; an overload; overloaded
重傷 shēn fù zhòng shāng seriously injured
gū fù to fail to live up (to expectations); unworthy (of trust); to let down; to betray (hopes); to disappoint
通信載 tōng xìn fù zài communications load
違恩義 wéi ēn fù yì to disobey one's benefactor; to violate debts of gratitude; to repay good with evil