language, words; saying, expression

HSK 1 #493


语 yǔ
  • dialect
  • language
  • speech
语 yù
  • to tell to


语 stroke order diagram
语 stroke order animation


àn yǔ code word
yàn yǔ proverb
甜言蜜 tián yán mì yǔ (idiom) sweet words; sweet talk; cajolery
yòng yǔ choice of words; wording; phraseology; term
流言蜚 liú yán fēi yǔ rumors and slanders (idiom); gossip; lies and slanders
lǐ yǔ slang
调 yǔ diào intonation; CL:個|个[ge4]
双关 shuāng guān yǔ pun; play on words; a phrase with a double meaning
ěr yǔ to whisper in sb's ear; a whisper
wài yǔ foreign language; CL:門|门[men2]
shǒu yǔ sign language
阿拉伯 ā lā bó yǔ Arabic (language)
sī yǔ to discuss in whispered tones; whispered conversation
dī yǔ mutter
píng yǔ comment; evaluation
荷兰 hé lán yǔ Dutch (language)
duǎn yǔ phrase (grammar)
sú yǔ common saying; proverb; colloquial speech
言学 yǔ yán xué linguistics
外来 wài lái yǔ loanword
千言万 qiān yán wàn yǔ thousands of words (idiom); having a lot of things to say; talking nonstop
xì yǔ to chat with a low voice
句 yǔ jù sentence
文 yǔ wén literature and language; (PRC) Chinese (as a school subject)
瑞典 ruì diǎn yǔ Swedish (language)