language, words; saying, expression


語 yǔ
  • dialect
  • language
  • speech
語 yù
  • to tell to


語 stroke order diagram


不發 yī yǔ bù fā to not say a word (idiom)
中的 yī yǔ zhòng dì to hit the mark with a comment (idiom); to say sth spot on
成讖 yī yǔ chéng chèn (idiom) to have one's words turn out to be (tragically) prophetic
破的 yī yǔ pò dì see 一語中的|一语中的[yi1 yu3 zhong4 di4]
道破 yī yǔ dào pò one word says it all (idiom); to hit the nail on the head; to be pithy and correct
雙關 yī yǔ shuāng guān to make a pun; to have a double meaning; double entendre
三言兩 sān yán liǎng yǔ in a few words (idiom); expressed succinctly
上古漢 shàng gǔ hàn yǔ Old Chinese (linguistics)
上海外國大學 shàng hǎi wài guó yǔ dà xué Shanghai International Studies University (SISU)
不可同日而 bù kě tóng rì ér yǔ lit. mustn't speak of two things on the same day (idiom); not to be mentioned in the same breath; incomparable
不言不 bù yán bù yǔ to not say a word (idiom); to keep silent
bù yǔ (literary) not to speak
世界 shì jiè yǔ Esperanto
世說新 shì shuō xīn yǔ A New Account of the Tales of the World, collection of anecdotes, conversations, remarks etc of historic personalities, compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing 劉義慶|刘义庆[Liu2 Yi4 qing4]
中古漢 zhōng gǔ hàn yǔ Middle Chinese (linguistics)
中式英 zhōng shì yīng yǔ Chinglish
中心 zhōng xīn yǔ qualified word
中譯通 zhōng yì yǔ tōng Global Tone Communication Technology Co., Ltd (GTCOM), Chinese big data and AI company
zhǔ yǔ subject (in grammar)
人造言 rén zào yǔ yán artificial language; constructed language
lè yǔ phrase (linguistics)
他加祿 tā jiā lù yǔ Tagalog (language)
低級言 dī jí yǔ yán low-level (computer) language
低聲細 dī shēng xì yǔ in a whisper; in a low voice (idiom)
dī yǔ mutter
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