
test, try, experiment

HSK 2 #643


  • test, try, experiment
  • to test
  • to try
  • experiment
  • examination
  • test


试 stroke order diagram
试 stroke order animation


液 shì yè reagent; test solution; experimental liquid
炼 shì liàn to refine with fire
爆 shì bào trial explosion; nuclear test
用本 shì yòng běn inspection copy (of a textbook etc); trial edition
种 shì zhòng test planting; crop grown on a trial basis
算表 shì suàn biǎo spreadsheet; trial balance (accountancy)
管受孕 shì guǎn shòu yùn in vitro fertilisation; test tube fertilisation
听 shì tīng audition; to give sb an audition; to check by listening
听带 shì tīng dài demo recording (music)
着 shì zhe (coll.) to try to
药族 shì yào zú people who participate in clinical trials
衣 shì yī to try on (clothes); fitting
表 shì biǎo to take temperature
制 shì zhì to try out a new product (or manufacturing process); prototype; trial product
读 shì dú to read a sample chapter of a book; to subscribe to a publication on a trial basis; to attend classes on a trial basis
办 shì bàn to try sth out; trial; pilot scheme
金 shì jīn assay
销 shì xiāo trial sale; test marketing
错 shì cuò (abbr. for 嘗試錯誤|尝试错误) trial and error; failure
镜 shì jìng to take a screen test; to audition; screen test; audition; tryout
镜头 shì jìng tóu screen test
饮 shì yǐn to taste (wine etc)
验性 shì yàn xìng experimental
验间 shì yàn jiān test room
xiāng shì the triennial provincial imperial exam during the Ming and Qing