
test, try, experiment

HSK 2 #643


  • test, try, experiment
  • to test
  • to try
  • experiment
  • examination
  • test


试 stroke order diagram
试 stroke order animation


甄别考 zhēn bié kǎo shì to screen; to grade by examination; screening; placement test
zhēn shì selection test; admission exam
石蕊纸 shí ruǐ shì zhǐ litmus paper (chemistry)
禁止核武器验条约 jìn zhǐ hé wǔ qì shì yàn tiáo yuē nuclear test ban treaty
qiū shì autumn exam (triennial provincial exam during Ming and Qing)
科举考 kē jǔ kǎo shì imperial examinations (in former times)
cè shì imperial exam involving writing essay on policy 策論|策论[ce4 lun4]
编班考 biān bān kǎo shì placement test
卷 kǎo shì juàn exam paper; test paper; CL:張|张[zhang1]
卷子 kǎo shì juàn zi see 考試卷|考试卷[kao3 shi4 juan4]
院 kǎo shì yuàn Examination Yuan, the qualification and appointment board under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan; exam board
联调联 lián tiáo lián shì debugging and commissioning; testing (of a whole system)
shì yī shì to have a try
乘 shì chéng test drive
作 shì zuò to attempt; test run
吃品 shì chī pǐn food sample
场 shì chǎng exam room
婚 shì hūn trial marriage; to live together before deciding whether to marry
客 shì kè user of shareware or demo software
工 shì gōng to work for a trial period; worker on probation
手 shì shǒu to work for a trial period; worker on probation
手儿 shì shǒu r erhua variant of 試手|试手[shi4 shou3]
播 shì bō trial broadcast
杯 shì bēi Petri dish; test dish; trial slide
水温 shì shuǐ wēn to test the waters