
cheat, defraud, swindle; trick

HSK 6 #2403


  • cheat, defraud, swindle
  • trick
  • to cheat
  • to swindle
  • to pretend
  • to feign
  • to draw sb out
  • to try to extract information by deceit or bluff


诈 stroke order diagram
诈 stroke order animation


冒 zhà mào to claim ownership (of stolen goods)
尸 zhà shī sudden movement of a corpse (superstition); fig. sudden torrent of abuse
晴 zhà qíng to clear up (of weather after rain)
病 zhà bìng to feign illness; to malinger
语 zhà yǔ falsehood; lies; fabrication
领 zhà lǐng to defraud; to obtain by fraud; to embezzle; fraudulent
xiǎn zhà sinister and deceitful