
cheat, defraud, swindle; trick; to feign


  • cheat, defraud, swindle
  • trick
  • to feign
  • to cheat
  • to swindle
  • to pretend
  • to feign
  • to draw sb out
  • to try to extract information by deceit or bluff


兵不厭 bīng bù yàn zhà there can never be too much deception in war; in war nothing is too deceitful; all's fair in war
jiān zhà treachery; devious; a rogue
qiǎo zhà deceitful; crafty; artful
不如拙誠 qiǎo zhà bù rú zhuō chéng the unvarnished truth is better than a cunning ruse (idiom); honesty is the best policy
qiāo zhà to rip off; to extort (money); extortion; blackmail
勒索 qiāo zhà lè suǒ extortion and blackmail (idiom)
罪 qiāo zhà zuì extortion
桀貪驁 jié tān ào zhà brutal, greedy, arrogant and deceitful (idiom)
jī zhà deceitful
qī zhà to cheat
者 qī zhà zhě deceiver
爾虞我 ěr yú wǒ zhà lit. you hoodwink me and I cheat you (idiom); fig. mutual deception; each tries to outwit the other; dog eats dog and devil take the hindmost
狂三四 kuáng sān zhà sì to deceive and swindle across the board (idiom)
jiǎo zhà craft; cunning; deceitful
網絡欺 wǎng luò qī zhà phishing
xū zhà tricky and hypocritical
é zhà to extort under false pretenses; to blackmail; to bluff; to defraud
冒 zhà mào to claim ownership (of stolen goods)
取 zhà qǔ to swindle; to defraud
唬 zhà hu to bluff; to bluster; to intimidate
屍 zhà shī sudden movement of a corpse (superstition); fig. sudden torrent of abuse
晴 zhà qíng to clear up (of weather after rain)
欺 zhà qī fraud; deception
死 zhà sǐ to feign death; to fake death
病 zhà bìng to feign illness; to malinger
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