
allow, permit, yield, concede


  • allow, permit, yield, concede
  • to yield
  • to permit
  • to let sb do sth
  • to have sb do sth
  • to make sb (feel sad etc)
  • by (indicates the agent in a passive clause, like 被[bei4])


鬚眉 bù ràng xū méi (idiom) to compare favorably with men in terms of ability, bravery etc; to be a match for men; lit. not conceding to men (beard and eyebrows)
不遑多 bù huáng duō ràng lit. to have no time for civilities (idiom); fig. not to be outdone; not to yield to one's opponents
互不相 hù bù xiāng ràng neither giving way to the other
hù ràng to yield to one another; mutual accommodation
chū ràng to transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)
gē ràng to cede; cession
可轉 kě zhuǎn ràng transferable; negotiable
可轉證券 kě zhuǎn ràng zhèng quàn negotiable securities
孔融梨 kǒng róng ràng lí Kong Rong giving up pears, classic moral story about Kong Rong 孔融[Kong3 Rong2] picking up smaller pears while leaving the bigger ones to his older brothers, still used nowadays to educate the young on courtesy and modesty
róng ràng to make a concession; to be accommodating
寸步不 cùn bù bù ràng (idiom) not to yield an inch
rěn ràng to exercise forbearance; patient and accommodating
chéng ràng you let me win (said politely after winning a game)
人 chéng ràng rén grantee (law)
拱手相 gōng shǒu xiāng ràng to bow and give way (idiom); to surrender sth readily
推賢能 tuī xián ràng néng to cede to the virtuous and yield to the talented (idiom)
未遑多 wèi huáng duō ràng see 不遑多讓|不遑多让[bu4 huang2 duo1 rang4]
活人尿憋死 huó rén ràng niào biē sǐ lit. such a fool as to die from holding in one's pee (idiom); fig. unable to solve a problem due to the inflexibility of one's thinking
溫良忍 wēn liáng rěn ràng submissive; accommodating
溫良恭儉 wēn liáng gōng jiǎn ràng kindhearted and moderate (idiom); temperate and gentle
當仁不 dāng rén bù ràng to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others
shàn ràng to abdicate
lǐ ràng to show consideration for (others); to yield to (another vehicle etc); courtesy; comity
zū ràng to lease out; to rent (one's property out to sb else)
紅不 hóng bù ràng home run (loanword); a big hit (hugely popular) (Tw)
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