
change, transform, alter; rebel


  • change, transform, alter
  • rebel
  • to change
  • to become different
  • to transform
  • to vary
  • rebellion


tuì biàn to transform; to morph; to degenerate; metamorphosis; transmutation; transformation; decay; degeneration
rú biàn creep (materials science)
yǎn biàn to develop; to evolve
shuāi biàn radioactive decay
曲線 shuāi biàn qū xiàn decay curves
熱 shuāi biàn rè decay heat
鏈 shuāi biàn liàn decay chain
liè biàn fission
同位素 liè biàn tóng wèi sù fissile isotope
材料 liè biàn cái liào fissionable material
武器 liè biàn wǔ qì fission weapon
炸彈 liè biàn zhà dàn fission bomb
產物 liè biàn chǎn wù fission products
碎片 liè biàn suì piàn fission fragment
fù biàn (math.) complex variable
函數 fù biàn hán shù function of a complex variable (math.)
函數論 fù biàn hán shù lùn (math.) theory of functions of a complex variable
西安事 xī ān shì biàn Xi'an Incident of 12th December 1936 (kidnap of Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4 shi2])
劑 yòu biàn jì mutagen
調 tiáo biàn modulation; to modulate (electronics)
談性色 tán xìng biàn sè to turn green at the mention of sex; prudish
談虎色 tán hǔ sè biàn to turn pale at the mention of a tiger (idiom); to be scared at the mere mention of
識時通 shí shí tōng biàn understanding and adaptable
亂 biàn luàn turmoil; social upheaval
作 biàn zuò to change into; to turn into; to become