
explain; discuss; talk


  • explain
  • discuss
  • talk
  • to speak
  • to explain
  • to negotiate
  • to emphasise
  • to be particular about
  • as far as sth is concerned
  • speech
  • lecture


話 jiǎng huà a speech; to speak; to talk; to address; CL:個|个[ge4]
課 jiǎng kè teach; lecture
論 jiǎng lùn to discuss
辭 jiǎng cí lectures
述 jiǎng shù to talk about; to narrate; to give an account
道 jiǎng dào to preach; a sermon
閒話 jiǎng xián huà to gossip; to make unfavorable comments
題 jiǎng tí topic of a lecture
qǐ jiǎng to start a story
逢人便 féng rén biàn jiǎng to tell anybody one happens to meet
kāi jiǎng to begin a lecture; to start on a story
雞同鴨 jī tóng yā jiǎng lit. chicken speaking with duck; fig. talking without communicating; people not understanding each other
suǒ jiǎng speaking; talking about; what is said
的 jiǎng de speak about; talk about; discuss the subject or matter of the sentence
bù jiǎng not talk about; not mention
條件 bù jiǎng tiáo jiàn unconditional; without conditions
wǒ jiǎng I'll explain; I'll talk about
法 jiǎng fǎ to explain the principles; to expound the law
zhōng jiǎng mention in