
explain; discuss; talk


  • explain
  • discuss
  • talk
  • to speak
  • to explain
  • to negotiate
  • to emphasise
  • to be particular about
  • as far as sth is concerned
  • speech
  • lecture


到 jiǎng dào to talk about sth
史 jiǎng shǐ historical tales
和 jiǎng hé to make peace; to reconcile
堂 jiǎng táng lecture hall; CL:家[jia1],間|间[jian1]
壇 jiǎng tán a platform (to speak)
學 jiǎng xué to lecture (on branch of learning)
師 jiǎng shī instructor; lecturer
座 jiǎng zuò a course of lectures; CL:個|个[ge4]
授 jiǎng shòu to lecture; to teach (a college course)
明 jiǎng míng to explain
桌 jiǎng zhuō lectern; podium
求 jiǎng qiú to stress; to emphasize; particular about sth; to strive for
演 jiǎng yǎn to lecture; to speak publicly
理 jiǎng lǐ to argue; to reason with sb; to talk sense; to be reasonable
究 jiǎng jiu to pay particular attention to; carefully selected for quality; tastefully chosen
筵 jiǎng yán the teacher's seat
義 jiǎng yì teaching materials
義氣 jiǎng yì qì to be loyal (to one's friends); to value loyalty
習 jiǎng xí to lecture; to instruct
習會 jiǎng xí huì discussion forum; seminar; assembly
習班 jiǎng xí bān instructional workshop
臺 jiǎng tái platform; rostrum; lectern; (teacher's) desk
解 jiǎng jiě to explain
解員 jiǎng jiě yuán guide
評 jiǎng píng to criticize; to evaluate