
talk; conversation; surname


  • talk
  • conversation
  • surname
  • surname Tan
  • to speak
  • to talk
  • to converse
  • to chat
  • to discuss


不經之 bù jīng zhī tán absurd statement; cock-and-bull story
jiāo tán to discuss; to converse; chat; discussion
侃侃而 kǎn kǎn ér tán to speak frankly with assurance
chǐ tán to prate
促膝心 cù xī tán xīn to sit side-by-side and have a heart-to-heart talk (idiom)
jiàn tán entertaining in conversation
qīng tán to have a good talk
六方會 liù fāng huì tán six-sided talks (on North Korea)
十日 shí rì tán Decameron, collection of 100 tales of love supposedly told by ten young people in ten days, written by Giovanni Boccaccio 薄伽丘[Bo2 jia1 qiu1]
cóng tán discussion; forum
司馬 sī mǎ tán Sima Tan (-110 BC), Han dynasty scholar and historian, and father of 司馬遷|司马迁[Si1 ma3 Qian1]
和平會 hé píng huì tán peace talks; peace discussions
和平判 hé píng tán pàn peace negotiations
hé tán peace talks
shāng tán to confer; to discuss; to engage in talks
夢溪筆 mèng xī bǐ tán Dream Pool Essays by Shen Kuo 沈括[Shen3 Kuo4], book on various fields of knowledge, the first to describe the magnetic needle compass
dà tán to harangue; to yak
dà tán tè tán to keep on talking about
qí tán odd story; exotic tale; fig. ridiculous argument
怪論 qí tán guài lùn strange tales and absurd arguments (idiom); unreasonable remarks
mì tán commune; private discussion
duì tán to talk with sb (face to face); discussion; talk; chat
zuò tán to have an informal discussion; CL:次[ci4],個|个[ge4]
會 zuò tán huì conference; symposium; rap session
chě tán to talk nonsense (dialect)
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