
talk; conversation; surname


  • talk
  • conversation
  • surname
  • surname Tan
  • to speak
  • to talk
  • to converse
  • to chat
  • to discuss


撇開不 piē kāi bù tán to ignore an issue (idiom)
pān tán to chat
xù tán to chat
教育相 jiào yù xiāng tán education counselor
wù tán to speak face to face; meeting; interview
chàng tán to talk freely; to discuss without inhibition
話卡 chàng tán huà kǎ long-term calling card (telephone)
huì tán talks; discussions; CL:次[ci4]
朝鮮核 cháo xiǎn hé tán talks on North Korea's nuclear program
判 hé tán pàn nuclear negotiations
泛泛而 fàn fàn ér tán to speak in general terms
qià tán to discuss
shēn tán to have an in depth conversation; to have intimate talks; to discuss thoroughly
混為一 hùn wéi yī tán to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
qīng tán light intellectual conversation
節目 qīng tán jié mù talk show
無所不 wú suǒ bù tán to talk about everything
無稽之 wú jī zhī tán complete nonsense (idiom)
無話不 wú huà bù tán not to hold anything back (idiom); (of close friends etc) to tell each other everything
kōng tán prattle; idle chit-chat
xiào tán object of ridicule; laughingstock; to laugh over sth; to make light chat
bǐ tán to communicate by means of written notes (instead of speaking); to publish one's opinion (e.g. as part of a scholarly dialogue); (in book titles) essays; sketches
紙上兵 zhǐ shàng tán bīng lit. military tactics on paper (idiom); fig. theoretical discussion that is worse than useless in practice; armchair strategist; idle theorizing; cf Zhao Kuo 趙括|赵括 leading an army of 400,000 to total annihilation at battle of Changping 長平之戰|长平之战 in 260 BC
zòng tán to talk freely
měi tán anecdote passed on with approbation