
poetry; poem, verse, ode


  • poetry
  • poem, verse, ode
  • abbr. for Shijing 詩經|诗经[Shi1 jing1], the Book of Songs
  • poem
  • CL:首[shou3]
  • poetry
  • verse


一節 yī jié shī stanza
七言律 qī yán lǜ shī verse form consisting of 8 lines of 7 syllables, with rhyme on alternate lines; abbr. to 七律
今體 jīn tǐ shī same as 近體詩|近体诗[jin4 ti3 shi1]
四大家 yuán shī sì dà jiā the four masters of Yuan poetry, namely 虞集[Yu2 Ji2], 範梈|范梈[Fan4 Peng1], 楊載|杨载[Yang2 Zai4] and 揭傒斯[Jie1 Xi1 si1]
十四行 shí sì háng shī sonnet
bēi shī British Columbia, province of Canada (loanword from "BC")
fǎn shī verse criticizing officials; satirical verse
gǔ shī old verse; Classical Chinese poem
古體 gǔ tǐ shī a pre-Tang Dynasty genre of poetry, relatively free in form, usually having four, five, six or seven characters per line
shǐ shī an epic; poetic saga
性 shǐ shī xìng epic
般 shǐ shī bān epic
yín shī to recite poetry
táng shī Tang poetry; a Tang poem
三百首 táng shī sān bǎi shǒu Three Hundred Tang Poems, an anthology collected around 1763 by Sun Zhu 孫誅
班 chàng shī bān choir
如畫 rú shī rú huà (of scenery) stunning; spectacular; picturesque
定場 dìng chǎng shī first soliloquy text (introducing opera character)
山水 shān shuǐ shī shanshui poetry, genre of Classical Chinese poetry
lǜ shī regular verse; strict poetic form with eight lines of 5, 6 or 7 syllables and even lines rhyming
qíng shī love poem
感遇 gǎn yù shī a lament (poem)
打油 dǎ yóu shī humorous poem; limerick
抒情 shū qíng shī lyric poetry
敘事 xù shì shī narrative poem
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