
appraise, criticize, evaluate


  • appraise, criticize, evaluate
  • to discuss
  • to comment
  • to criticize
  • to judge
  • to choose (by public appraisal)


話 píng huà storytelling dramatic art dating back to Song and Yuan periods, single narrator without music, often historical topics with commentary
語 píng yǔ comment; evaluation
說 píng shuō to comment; to evaluate
論 píng lùn to comment on; to discuss; comment; commentary; CL:篇[pian1]
論家 píng lùn jiā critic; reviewer
議 píng yì to appraise through discussion
議會 píng yì huì council
述 píng shù to comment on; commentary
選 píng xuǎn to select on the basis of a vote or consensus
鑒 píng jiàn evaluation; assessment
閱 píng yuè to read and appraise
頭品足 píng tóu pǐn zú to make idle remarks about a woman's appearance (idiom)
頭論足 píng tóu lùn zú lit. to assess the head and discuss the feet (idiom); minute criticism of a woman's appearance; fig. to find fault in minor details; to remark upon a person's appearance; nitpicking; overcritical; judgmental
騭 píng zhì to evaluate; to appraise
點 píng diǎn to comment; a point by point commentary
jiǎng píng to criticize; to evaluate
重新價 chóng xīn píng jià a re-evaluation; to re-assess
chóng píng to reevaluate; to reassess
diǎn píng to comment; a point by point commentary
鑑 píng jiàn evaluation; appraisal