plan, plot; stratagem; scheme


計 jì
  • surname Ji
  • to calculate
  • to compute
  • to count
  • to regard as important
  • to plan
  • ruse
  • meter
  • gauge


計 stroke order diagram


數者 jì shù zhě counter
時 jì shí to measure time; to time; to reckon by time
時器 jì shí qì timer; chronograph; timepiece; clock; timekeeping device (sundial, water clock)
時工資 jì shí gōng zī time rate wage; remuneration based on one's time and skill; opposite: piece rate wage 計件工資|计件工资[ji4 jian4 gong1 zi1]
時收費 jì shí shōu fèi time charge
時比賽 jì shí bǐ sài time trial (e.g. in cycle race); timed race; competition against the clock
時法 jì shí fǎ time reckoning
時測驗 jì shí cè yàn time trial
時炸彈 jì shí zhà dàn time bomb
時賽 jì shí sài time trial (e.g. in cycle race); timed race; competition against the clock
步器 jì bù qì pedometer
生 jì shēng planned childbirth; birth control; family planning; abbr. for 計劃生育|计划生育
畫 jì huà variant of 計劃|计划[ji4 hua4]
票 jì piào count of votes
程車 jì chéng chē (Tw) taxi; cab
策 jì cè stratagem
算 jì suàn to count; to calculate; to compute; CL:個|个[ge4]
算器 jì suàn qì calculator; calculating machine
算尺 jì suàn chǐ slide rule
算數學 jì suàn shù xué computational mathematics; numerical mathematics
算機 jì suàn jī computer; (Tw) calculator; CL:臺|台[tai2]
算機制圖 jì suàn jī zhì tú computer graphics
算機動畫 jì suàn jī dòng huà computer animation
算機可讀 jì suàn jī kě dú computer-readable; machine-readable
算機工業 jì suàn jī gōng yè computer industry