cover; tip over; return; reply


  • cover
  • tip over
  • return
  • reply
  • to go and return
  • to return
  • to resume
  • to return to a normal or original state
  • to repeat
  • again
  • to recover
  • to restore
  • to turn over
  • to reply
  • to answer
  • to reply to a letter
  • to retaliate
  • to carry out
  • to double
  • to overlap
  • complex (not simple)
  • compound
  • composite
  • double
  • diplo-
  • duplicate
  • overlapping
  • to duplicate
  • variant of 復|复[fu4]
  • to cover
  • to overflow
  • to overturn
  • to capsize


覆 stroke order diagram
覆 stroke order animation


花 xuán fù huā (botany) convolvulvus; Flos Inulae (Chinese herb)
水能载舟,亦能舟 shuǐ néng zài zhōu , yì néng fù zhōu lit. water may keep the boat afloat but may also sink it (proverb); fig. the people can support a regime or overturn it; if sth is used properly, one can benefit from it, otherwise it can do harm; things can be double-edged
水能載舟,亦能舟 shuǐ néng zài zhōu , yì néng fù zhōu lit. water may keep the boat afloat but may also sink it (proverb); fig. the people can support a regime or overturn it; if sth is used properly, one can benefit from it, otherwise it can do harm; things can be double-edged
煽动颠国家政权 shān dòng diān fù guó jiā zhèng quán incitement to subvert state power (criminal charge used to gag free speech)
煽動顛國家政權 shān dòng diān fù guó jiā zhèng quán incitement to subvert state power (criminal charge used to gag free speech)
煽动颠国家罪 shān dòng diān fù guó jiā zuì crime of conspiring to overthrow the state
煽動顛國家罪 shān dòng diān fù guó jiā zuì crime of conspiring to overthrow the state
pàn fù expecting your reply (epistolary style)
shì fù please answer (epistolary style)
dá fù variant of 答覆|答复[da2 fu4]; to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header)
翻來去 fān lái fù qù to toss and turn (sleeplessly); again and again
翻手为云手变雨 fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu biàn yǔ lit. turning his hand palm up he gathers the clouds, turning his hand palm down he turns them to rain; very powerful and capable (idiom)
翻手為雲手變雨 fān shǒu wéi yún fù shǒu biàn yǔ lit. turning his hand palm up he gathers the clouds, turning his hand palm down he turns them to rain; very powerful and capable (idiom)
fān fù to overturn (a vehicle); to capsize; to turn upside down; to change completely
翻雲雨 fān yún fù yǔ to produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another (idiom); fig. to shift one's ground; tricky and inconstant; to make love
腐殖盖物 fǔ zhí fù gài wù mulch
腐殖蓋物 fǔ zhí fù gài wù mulch
méng fù to cover
亡 fù wáng fall (of an empire)
巢之下无完卵 fù cháo zhī xià wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact (idiom); fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed
巢之下無完卵 fù cháo zhī xià wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest is upset no egg is left intact (idiom); fig. when one falls in disgrace the whole family is doomed
巢无完卵 fù cháo wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest overturns no egg remains intact; no member escapes unscathed from a family disaster (idiom)
巢無完卵 fù cháo wú wán luǎn lit. when the nest overturns no egg remains intact; no member escapes unscathed from a family disaster (idiom)
核 fù hé to review; to reexamine; review
水难收 fù shuǐ nán shōu spilt water is difficult to retrieve (idiom); it's no use crying over spilt milk; what's done is done and can't be reversed; the damage is done; once divorced, there's no reuniting